Digital Clock NTP temperature humidity Display

Digital Clock based on esp8266-Clock4
5月 12, 2023
Spark Gap Tesla Coil DIY(TYPE 8)
12月 14, 2023
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Digital Clock NTP temperature humidity Display

Esp8266 Led Matrix Display Clock with Temperature and humidity display

First of all, thank you for buying this clock

This this a RGB digital Network CLOCK

You can use your mobile phone to connect to the server inside the clock and change the clock settings without installing an app

Just log in to the browser in your phone or computer

The clock need your WIFI

First time the clock do not know your home wifi name and password,so it will creat an AP,named XClock,it may need password,the password is “password”

You phone->Setting->WLAN

choose your home wifi(If it does not display correctly, refresh it several times),and type your home wifi password->save,wait about 30 second

If you type right,the clock will get an IP address from your home  router,Remember this IP

Type the IP in your browser,like Google Chrome,You can set the clock


Now let’s show you how to configure the clock

This is a different clock, but the setup process is the same


4 评论

  1. Peter Frank说道:

    Dear Admin,

    I have a question about the configuration of the watch. In Europe, we write the date DD MM YY. Can I change the date display accordingly, or do I get the sketch to change it myself? Thank you


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